About Us


Zelda Sheldon - Rockstar Realtor

Zelda is originally from Sydney Australia with a passion for Nashville, music and real estate. Music business brought her to Music City but Nashville's amazing real estate made her want to stay. Her dynamic research approach helps her clients become the savviest, most informed buyers and sellers in the market to safely navigate the pull and push of supply and demand, in good and bad markets, for a predictable and successful outcome. Are you ready to make a move? Email Zelda and let her know what you're planning and she'd love to help you. Teamwork Makes the Dream Work.


Pal Sheldon - CFO, IT and Graphic Design

From the beachside city of Newcastle, Australia, Pal loves Music City for its people, music and real estate. Pal has run many businesses in the past. He brings years of experience to the team both in the financial area as well as computer Information systems and graphic design.


Melanie Bresnan - Media and Research

Melanie is all round brilliant. Coming from New England, she brings both her analytical and creative minds together to into to focus on social media and market statistics through our newsletter and media interactions.